Graphic Design for a Greater Tomorrow

Linley regalado

My name is Linley Regalado, and I am going to save the world with Design.

As a Graphic Designer with a BFA from ArtCenter College of Design, I am passionate about using design to create positive social change and communicate effectively with diverse audiences. I have worked on various projects that address issues such as HPV cancer awareness, mental health, and library outreach, using my skills in motion, production, editorial design, and more. I have collaborated with DesignMatters, Cedars-Sinai, Homeboy Industries, and ArtCenter Library Design Affairs Media Team, delivering innovative and impactful solutions that reflect my values of trust, kindness, and thorough research. My goal is to work with companies and organizations that benefit the good of society and foster understanding and empathy through design.

©2022 Linley Regalado